Donate a Gate

Donate a Gate through North Bucks rRIPPLE

Help improve public access to our local network of footpaths and other rights of way?

A good way is to replace awkward, difficult and derelict stiles by donating either a conventional gate or a kissing gate. This can be done for as little as £350, including a plaque with a special message for you or from you, and of course installation.  rRIPPLE have now installed over 300 gtaes in our area.

North Bucks rRIPPLE

There is a "Donate a Gate" scheme covering north Buckinghamshire, run by North Bucks rRIPPLE, as part of an Area scheme run by Ramblers, who co-ordinate their work with Bucks County Council. 

The scheme is open to individuals, groups, organisations, businesses and parish councils. North Bucks rRIPPLE (ramblers Repairing and Improving Public Paths for Leisure & Exercise) will install the gate, organise a plaque with your name and message, tell you where it is, and send you a photograph of it when the work is done.

To find out more contact North Bucks rRIPPLE co-ordinator Bill Piers on 01844 290923 or 07799 110128, or by e-mail at For more information on their work, click here.