Member Benefits
Members' Benefits
What you can enjoy
We try to offer about 120 led walks a year. We cater for most abilities and our walks are taken in one of the loveliest inland areas in the south of England. As a member not only can you join these walks but you will also have on-line access, via the private Members' Section of our website, to our full walks programme, almost 900 maps of previous walks (with more being added all the time!), details of our social programme and information on lots of other local events involving or available to members. You will also have access to a fantastic photo archive, as well as the, admittedly less exciting, records of all our group meetings!
Private Members' section on our website
The Members Only section is accessible to members of Aylesbury Ramblers. This will give you access to our walk programme, our extensive archive of over walks, maps, photos, and details of all our social and path maintenance activities. We also keep all our Group documents on line for all our members to see.
Benefits of Ramblers' Membership
In addition to walking with us, all Ramblers members can walk with any Ramblers group in the UK (useful when on holiday or if you live close to another Rambler's group), receive a regular quarterly magazine and regional newspaper, and you are entitled to discounts at stores such as Cotswold Outdoor (15%) and others. Please check the main Ramblers website (link below) for the latest offers and benefits.
Group Benefits
Our walking group will also receive funding every time you take a holiday with Ramblers Worldwide Holidays, through something called the Walking Partnership (see the logo on the Home Page). So mention our Group when booking. The benefits for us are:
UK Holidays £10 per person for every UK holiday booked; £20 per holiday for every Short-Haul or Cruise and Walk holiday booked; and £30 per person for every Long-Haul holiday booked.
Giving something back!
There are many ways in which you can contribute to the activities of our group. For example, you can become a walk leader, you can join our team helping to keep the paths in our area open and accessible. You can join our Committee and help deliver our programmes of walking and our social activities. We also monitor developments with HS2 and other local planning and development activity to try to protect our right of way legacy. So something for everyone.
Click here for more information, including how to join us.