AR News & Issues
Aylesbury Ring - News & Issues
Aylesbury Ring
This page is intended to advise walkers of anything that may affect the route of the AR and will be updated as we become aware of anything noteworthy. Should you come across an issue on the route then please advise us via the contact details on this website.
Also, if you have enjoyed using the route do let us know too.
High Speed Line 2 - updated May 2022
HS2 are currently seeking orders for closures, diversions and stopping up orders for affected paths. Details of all traffic regulation orders related to HS2 in Bucks may be found using the following link, so please check before walking any of the affected route.
NB – these closures only apply when “Footpath Closed” signs are displayed - the posting of the order alone does not mean the path is currently closed only that closure is authorised - however please exercise caution as signs may not always be displayed or removed in a timely manner. Having said that any closures are likely to be very long term given the scale of the project.
January 2018 Update
Now that the Government's plans for HS2 have been approved by Parliament final surveys and enabling work such as access roads, etc. will start immediately, so there will be some disruption to footpaths and roads. This could occur anywhere that an access road or preparation for one cuts the ring and could result in short or long term diversions.
However, at present, there are two definite points where the proposed HS2 line crosses existing footpath network. They are:
1. At Wendover on WEN/6 just south of the Railway bridge on the Risborough Road the station – The Road will be closed for some time and the path diverted to cross HS2 over the green tunnel so diversions and/or closures are inevitable at some point.
2. At Waddesdon on Footpath WAD/4 north-east of the village and west of the Pitchcott Road - Crossing will be via an accommodation bridge and will involve some realignment accompanied by some diversions and/or closures.
East-West Rail - path closures and diversions - Updated May 2022
East-West Rail are currently seeking orders for closures, diversions and stopping up orders of affected paths. Details of all temporary traffic regulation orders in Bucks, including this project, may be found using the following link, so please check before walking any of the affected route.
NB – these closures only apply when “Footpath Closed” signs are displayed - the posting of the order alone does not mean the path is currently closed only that closure is authorised - however please exercise caution as signs may not always be displayed or removed in a timely manner.
Housing Developments
As always, planning applications are being submitted across our area all the time. The following proposed developments will affect the Aylesbury Ring, and if you plan to walk the Ring in the Waddesdon area, you will need to be aware of the following development applications:
1. Waddesdon Footpath 18 from Baker Street to junction with WAD/7 going through the old allotments is within a development area that now has planning permission that will involve some slight realignment, an improved surface and may be subject to some diversions and/or closures.
2. Waddesdon Footpath 4 across the first field from Little Britain is also is within a development area not yet approved but if it is will also involve some slight realignment, an improved surface and may be subject to some diversions and/or closures.
Message from Tom Chalk
About 2013 I ran round the Outer Aylesbury Ring non stop as training for a really long run later in the year. Just thought I'd let you know that today (30 Dec 2017) I ran round the original Aylesbury Ring as part of my training in a couple of minutes over 5 hours. Once again I found it very well signposted and only had to check my map on a couple of occasions. The going was very difficult with ploughed fields under feet of water and very strong wind to contend with. It must be 10 years since I ran round it the first time. Keep up the good work.
Route Maintenance
In 2016 Aylesbury Ramblers completed a refurbishment of the whole Ring greatly refreshing and improving way marking, clearing gates, stiles, bridges, etc. and their approach paths, and referring any other problems like damaged path furniture of non-reinstatement of fields to Bucks Council Rights of Way team.
If you want to see us at work, click here.
This page was last Updated September 2018